That's right folks, we're still here, surviving the BLIZZARD OF OH NINE! We haven't had to resort to cannibalism or set fire to our couch to keep warm...yet. We only hope that there is a society for us to return to when the blinding whiteness dissipates. But that could be a while, I mean, there's like, oh, five or six inches out there. Why are you laughing at me? The dude on the news sounded, like, really worried. Anyway...
So, I finally figured out how to post videos to this blog (I's smart),
so please click above to check out the new video I threw together in my sleep for my remix of State Shirt's Up Up Up Up Up. Actually, I think the video came out pretty neat even though it's more pirated (arh!!) footage from around the interwebnet. It's a mix of time-lapse and super slow-mo stuff, and I'm pretty happy with how the remix came out too for those who haven't heard it. You can also go to my YouTube channel to see videos I've made for the other songs.

Oooh Oooh Oooh! Did I also mention that we survived our first tornado! Ok, we don't actually know if there WAS a tornado or not but the sirens were going and the sky was flashing and it was way exciting (in that uh-oh-I-think-I-just-crapped-my-pants kind of way)! I posted a video of the warning above also just because those sirens are mad spooky, yo. They're all at different pitches and they roll over you from different directions at different tones and forming these spooky, Close Encounters like,
discord harmonies. Anyway, you can kind of hear it on the video.
So, Sue and I had a fun and relaxing Spring Break visiting Dad Crane and Pauline in San Diego. It was my first time there so I was excited and as you can see from some of these shots, it is beautiful. I think the entire area is a secret government research site for
developing the perfect climate. For the most part it was sunny and in the 80's the entire time except when we went out to the desert. We were also there at the tail end of the "rainy" season so the landscape was unusually
lush and green for us.
We got to walk around Balboa Park in town
and visited some of the museums and hung around the cool Gaslamp district the evening of Saint Patrick's day which was teaming with drunk fools, I mean, Festive Revelers.
We had fun and Dad showed us a good
time, wining and dining us at all the local casinos. Thanks Dad!
Sue is still clawing her way out from under her student's draft papers but enjoyed having a week to relax and has made use of this snowed-in weekend to
try and catch up. I've already finished with my eight week Art History class and I did well (99.76). All I have to do now is
maintain that 4.0 average or don't bother coming home. I'm sure she was just
kidding...right honey? Sweetie? Ehem. Anyway I'm all enrolled for the fall: Design, Photography Writing, Philosophy and Chinese which is being offered over at Friends U. I can't wait to be desperately busy and stressed
downing energy drinks like they're water!
Actually it's going to awesome. Not
everyone gets this chance and I intend to make the most of it.
Meanwhile, I'm still finding the time to finish a new song which should be done this week. It's going to be called Primordial and has more vocals and a
more consciously developed hook than most of the others. Finally, thanks to all those who've downloaded my latest album, Dub Executioner! Thanks for the support!
Sue and I will hopefully talk to you all soon. Take care of yourselves and we love you!
Sonny & Sue.
lol so there really ARE tornados in kansas? its not just a wizard of oz joke?
what if you have a blizzard AND a tornado at the same time? :)
Wow, Sonny! Those tornado sirens are extremely creepy. :-S We still get fire sirens to alert the volunteer fire companies and those are creepy enough...but nothing like your tornado ones....Yikes!
Congrats on the super great grade in your first class! That's awesome!!! Sounds like you're the perfect student!! I'm sure Sue wishes she had a room full of your type! :o)
And fantastic video and pics! Thanks for keeping us all updated!
P.S. I just found the "santa" pic... Now I just need to figure out how to blog about it. hehehe
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