So, hopefully some of you got your Susan fix for the time being. She enjoyed her visit, as brief as it was, and thanks to Bethany and TJ for providing rides and beds and everyone else for the companionship. Sounds like you guys partied like it's 1999, or 1988,
"I had a great time! I wish it was longer!"
"Everyone I hated in High School is now old and ugly, har!"
That second one may be a miss-quote. Watch for a retraction in a future update. Anyway, in place of words, we have images, because they don't lie, unless you have Photoshop. These are mostly untampered though. Please visit my Flickr page to view
ALL of the pics Sue took while in NY last weekend! There's a whole series detailing the various objects that can be placed on or around TJ whilst he is unawares, a must see!
Another thing Sue said, is that she can't wait to see you all again around the Holidays, so keep our schedule in mind and hopefully we can meet up with everyone. We're arriving in Philadelphia on Dec. 23rd and will be spending Christmas with Sue's Nan & Pop. We should be in New York from around the 27th through Jan. 4th, flying back on the 5th.
I've posted a couple more songs on my MySpace page: Revolution and Relax, It's a Death Match. I know I know, why am I bothering you about every single song I finish? Why don't I just make an album like a normal person and bug you about it once a year like everyone else? I'm knew to this, I'll calm down, I promise. But check the songs out anyway. If you want. Whateva.
MySpace is acting kind of glitchy these days, and they only let you post up to six songs at any given time, but all Germanate08 songs can be listened to or downloaded on
This Friday Sue and I accompanied Prof. Bryan Dietrich and the Newman Lit Club to Kansas City to visit haunted houses The Beast & Edge of Hell and I have to say, KC kicks all y'all's asses when it comes to haunted houses. These were
by far the biggest, most well run HHs either of us have seen. The first coolio thing about them is that they are all located in this old industrial district in turn-of-the-century era warehouses which is a creepy place to be at night to begin with. They take over these disused four or five story warehouse buildings and it seems like you wind your way through these places for hours, on every floor, getting the bejeezus scared out of you every five seconds. The sets and effects were the greatest
we've seen and it's neat how the building itself adds to the creepiness with all these weird rooms built for some forgotten purpose. I swear there were people hurling themselves to the ground out of panic, and by "people", I absolute do not mean "myself", I was a rock. There were huge rooms decked out like fog laden forests that required some work to figure your way out of. Other rooms featured multiple false exits and people or things waiting to jump out of each one before you located the real exit. And both HHs ended with a long tube slide that takes you from the top floor to the bottom. There were apparently others in the area we didn't go to like one that is Edgar Alan Poe themed and another that takes you through scenes from famous horror movies. Unfortunately, all my pics of the place came out so abstract and formless that my blog won't even let me upload them. Damn those fog machines! Oh well.
I'm not the bravest soul on the planet I'll admit, but after a while of wandering through these places, especially by the second one, I was already starting to suffer from some sort of post traumatic stress disorder. Anyhow, anyone who likes haunted houses needs to experience these at least once. The only downside was that we did it all in one night. KC is three hours away, so we didn't get home until almost five in the morning. Luckily, we weren't driving.
I think that's all. Oh and thanks to everyone for the feedback regarding my blog reminder e-mails. We feel so loved!
Talk to you all soon.
Love, Sonny & Sue.